AINA Code Of Conduct & Policies

Welcome to our Code of Conduct. This document outlines the fundamental principles that guide our actions and decision-making processes. Adhering to these standards ensures integrity and accountability within our organisation.

Standards / Guidelines

  • Values: Integrity, honesty, transparency, freedom of speech, and independence.

  • Mission Statement:
    AINA upholds the highest ethical and professional standards in its mission to promote truth and freedom of speech. We facilitate the delivery and sharing of news to both mainstream and independent media to ensure a free flow of information and a diversity of perspectives.


AINA expects its contributors—hosts, correspondents, writers, and guests—to adhere to the ethical standards outlined in this Code of Conduct. Our commitment is to provide accurate, fair, and balanced news coverage, fostering public trust in our media platform.

If you have concerns about AINA’s standards or practices, please contact us at [email protected].


Fair and Balanced Reporting

AINA is committed to presenting a wide range of perspectives. We actively seek to avoid echo chambers by engaging with individuals from various backgrounds and viewpoints. Where controversial topics arise, we strive to include opposing perspectives to encourage healthy discussion and debate.

While AINA encourages open debate, participation is always voluntary, and individuals and organisations are given reasonable opportunities to comment before broadcast, where practical.


Ethics Policy

AINA adheres to the following core ethical principles:

  • Accuracy: We prioritise accuracy in all reporting, referencing original sources wherever possible. Should any inaccuracies be identified, we will issue a correction promptly.
  • Fairness: We aim to treat all subjects fairly and objectively, avoiding content that unjustly paints any person or organisation in a negative light. Exceptions apply in breaking news situations or where prior statements have been made.
  • Transparency: Any conflicts of interest will be disclosed where relevant to maintain public trust.
  • Plagiarism: AINA has zero tolerance for plagiarism, and any such allegations will be taken seriously.


Freedom of Speech and Expression

AINA recognises free speech as a cornerstone of democracy. We do not shy away from difficult or controversial topics, and we believe in providing a platform for open dialogue. AINA does not engage in censorship, and all subjects relevant to our audience are open for discussion.



Opinions shared by contributors and guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of AINA. Opinions are not subject to our fact-checking policies.


Independence and Funding

AINA prides itself on independence. We are funded by grassroots donations and subscriptions from individuals who value freedom of expression. We do not accept financial support with strings attached, and we are not beholden to any government or corporate interests.


Corrections Policy

Errors are corrected promptly and transparently. If an error affects the meaning of a story, an editorial note will be added. In cases where significant changes are required, a correction will be made on-air and noted on the replay. In extreme cases, we may remove an entire broadcast, replacing it with an editor’s note explaining the correction.

Offensive and Disturbing Content

AINA ensures that broadcast content does not violate community standards of taste and decency. We are committed to protecting vulnerable groups from harmful content and promoting inclusivity by avoiding discriminatory language or behaviour.